

Color: Colorless, gray, green, yellow, brown, violet, rose-red, deep red

Streak: Colorless

Luster: vitreous to pearly or silky

Habit: Crystals tabular, hexagonal or diamond-shaped cross section; massive, scaly or lamellar; plumose or stellate aggregates

Hardness: 2.5 to 4

Specific gravity: 2.77 to 2.88

Cleavage: 1, perfect {001}

Tenacity: Thin laminae flexible

Twinning: On {001} about [310] axis, stellate

Crystal system: Monoclinic

Crystal class: 2/m


Unit cell: a = 5.21 Ǻ, b = 9.00 Ǻ, c = 10.28 Ǻ, β = 101.6˚

Synonyms/varieties: white mica, sericite (fine grained variety)Fuchsite/mariposite (Cr-rich variety), roscoelite (V-rich variety), phengite (Al-poor variety), alurgite (Mg, Fe,Mn-rich variety), astrolite

Origin of name: From Russian name Muscovy glass

Use of Muscovite: